Archive for the Journey with me… Category

I’m Back!

Posted in Journey with me... on June 10, 2009 by Toiah

Hello… Its been awhile since I have blogged… So many changes have taken place. I lost my job at the non profit and I am now BACK at Fox. I have to admit God is good. Somehow He sustained me during 5 months of my income literally being cut in half… God is so good and I am grateful for the people and opportunities He has sent in my life… During this time I realized that I want to open my OWN non profit and I fully intend to do so…

The older I get the more I realize that life is a gift, and every breath you take is truly a blessing… I will be back with more later, but I wanted to check in, say hello and WELCOME BACK!

Someday We’ll All Be Free… Walking in Love

Posted in Inspiration & Encouragement, Journey with me..., Musings.... with tags , , , on December 3, 2008 by Toiah

Every once in awhile I like to reflect on certain historical events… When I saw this particular video, it brought a tearful, yet triumphant reflection of our forefathers who sacrificed and suffered greatly, so that we could experience the freedoms we have now.

My heart is grieved when I watch the news and see our young (and old) black men/women fighting and hurting each other… They are killing what the many people before us worked so hard to protect and preserve. During times of segregation, Black folks worked together as a team to stomp out the spirit of hatred, division, and violence against our people. We sought God and took proper action. In peaceful strength and diginity, we locked arms & hearts while marching and spreading the message of love and rightful acceptance…

Have we forgotten the struggle? We cannot afford to forget where we came from and who fought so that we could be here… President-Elect Barack Obama is truly more than just a Black President… He is a living representative of the blood, sweat, and tears of those who paved the way…

Even though the days of Jim Crow and segregation appear to be long gone (I think it still exists in subtle forms, but thats another post) what are we doing to stomp out division & strife in our individual lives with our loved and not-so-loved ones? Are we allowing prejudice, hatred, and confusion to rule or are we following the path of love?

Love never fails, but we often fail love… Love is the most valuable thing you can give AND possess. You will be amazed at what unfolds, when you lay down your weapons (and boxing gloves) and show someone the powerful tool of love… I challenge you to try it, and get back to me with the results..

The God of NO LIMITS!!!

Posted in Inspiration & Encouragement, Journey with me..., Musings.... with tags , , on November 21, 2008 by Toiah

Its been awhile since I’ve had a musing… But I am back! And, I am back with a message for the children of the Living God! Please know that you serve the GOD of NO LIMITS.

I have been praying about limits this week… over and over I kept getting scripture and devotional readings that confirmed God was speaking about the fact that we are the ones that put limits on Him! Everything I read was talking about taking the limits off and inviting abundance in your life. How do we do that? Faith, Trust and Action… Faith that God can do it. Trust that He is going to actually do it. And the necessary action to make your dreams/desires come true.

We can no longer afford to be afraid of the unfamiliar. We cannot sit around apathetically wanting more but not actually trusting God to DO more. When it comes to God, action will not always seem logical. Action will not always mean DOING something. It might be God saying “Be still & know that I am God” or maybe it will require you taking some steps to put the dream or desire into motion… whatever the case may be, let GOD lead you in the path He wants you to go. When he talks, be obedient and willing. It is the Lord’s good pleasure to see us prosper and be at peace. He wants the very best for us, even when things don’t appear to be ‘best’…

Letting go of the old (whether an old attitude, mindset or thought pattern), will open your hands and hearts to recieve the new. Taking the limits off, means also realizing that what God has for you is most likely far greater than whatever it is you wanted for yourself. Whether that is a career, a ministry, finances, health, or a relationship… Whatever! God WILL do exceedingly, abundantly, above all you can ask or think according to the power that works in you.

Are you willing to exercise your God given power and move forward, even when the familar is comfortable? Its all up to you… just remember, you serve the GOD of NO LIMITS! Here are just a few examples of what our NO LIMIT GOD can do…

  • Sarah & Abraham- Having a child when she was 90 and he was 100.
  • Jesus, conceived by the Holy Ghost and being born of the virgin Mary
  • The Children of Israel, leaving Egypt and crossing the Red Sea to freedom on dry land
  • Jesus feeding 5,000 on 5 loaves and 2 fish, having 12 baskets left over
  • The sun, moon, stars and sky
  • The ocean
  • The animals
  • YOU!
  • Jesus, laying down His very life for us (no man could take his life, He willingly laid it down), then rising on the 3rd day with all power and victory in His hands!!

If God can conquer death, HE can do anything!! So again, take the LIMITS OFF OF GOD!! Be blessed!

Below is another devotional I received today…

Limiting God – November 21, 2008  


Don’t try to put any limits on Me, beloved.  Don’t even think about putting limitations on Me and My ability to perform on your behalf, because there are no limits to My ability, no limits at all!


So hear Me today. Take My words to heart.  I am a capable God.  I am a God of extremes.  I will go to any lengths to perform mightily on your behalf, so don’t even entertain the idea that I could ever fail you.
Don’t try to put limitations on Me and what I can do, dear one.  Put your whole trust in Me.  See that the outcome will produce many wonderful scenarios in your life.  Rest in this knowledge.

Now remember:  Don’t even entertain the idea that I would EVER fail you.  I will never fail you.  Put no limitations on My ability to perform on your behalf, no limitations at all. Trust Me to perform mightily on your behalf.  I would never disappoint you.  I could never disappoint one of My own.  I am capable and I will perform in a mighty way on your behalf.  Keep this in mind.  Yes!


Replace those doubts with this truth:  Your God’s desire is to bless His very own, beloved.  He is capable and that is just what He is going to do!  Trust Me in this, beloved.  Trust Me to deliver My best and know deep within your heart that you serve a good God Who is quite able to show Himself mighty on behalf of His dear children.  Trust Me.  Watch Me and know the rich quality of My will as I shine forth the light of My glory and offer to you the peace and sustenance for which your heart seeks, for which your heart cries.  I won’t let you down, beloved.  Never!  No, never would I let My very own beloved down!!!



Psalms 42:11  Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me?
Hope in God; For I shall yet praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God.

Ephesians 3:20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,

Psalms34:9-10  Fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry,  but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.


The Raging Storms of life…

Posted in Journey with me..., Musings.... with tags , , , on October 23, 2008 by Toiah

I have to admit I have had a rough couple of days… I have discovered some information that has me bewildered to say the least. I also realize that because of this one of my very personal dreams may be shattered right before my eyes and I will have to start all over again.

This has nothing to do with a relationship or even another person, but it does have to do with my livelihood. Right now I am struggling for answers to my questions and I don’t know what path to take. All I can do is put my trust in the Living God from Whom my help comes from. He is my Source and Strength. Without Him I would be completely lost. Knowing this fact, helps me to move forward and to pursue peace… even when the storm rages all around me, I must determine to have peace.

I know that this too shall pass but in the meantime, I must pray, trust and believe in the Lord Jesus. This is just another part of my life journey and I take each step with God as my Guide.  He has not failed me yet and He won’t fail you either! If you are in a storm… quietly trust in God. Even the winds and waves have to obey Him!

Encourage Yourself….

Posted in Inspiration & Encouragement, Journey with me..., Musings.... with tags on October 15, 2008 by Toiah

Some days are good, some days are not so good. Today is just one of those days. I have alot on my mind & as I work toward becoming a better woman and Christian, I realize there is much work to be done. It can seem quite overwhelming at times when you are determined to walk the right path in life. Often it may seem as if the right way is the slow way and no blessings are coming…but indeed they are.

On days like today, it is simply my faith that holds me. Even when circumstances don’t look right, when I may not have a friend to talk to, or a sympathetic heart to turn to, I have to trust God’s plan for my life. And I do this because He has not failed me yet! God is always right on time. He has an solution for every problem and an answer for every prayer. Even when it looks like God is not moving, trust and know that indeed He is…

When you have done your all, simply be still and KNOW that HE IS GOD. God is Faithful… Encourage yourself in the Lord!

Happy Big Miracle Anniversary to me!!

Posted in Inspiration & Encouragement, Journey with me..., Musings.... with tags , , on October 3, 2008 by Toiah

Today is a special day! One year ago today I moved into my new place! Now of course that sounds like a normal circumstance to some, but trust me it was a true miracle…. Please enjoy my testimony of God’s faithfulness and care.

Just 30 days before October 3, 2007 I had a horrible experience in the place I lived in. The experience helped me to KNOW without a doubt, that it was time for me to move from my current location and find another place. But of course I had questions… How would I find a place? Where would the money come from? I had lived in my current place for 14 years and though I had outgrown it, I was afraid of change… I prayed and asked God to be my Leader & Guide and to show me exactly what to do… After a heartfelt prayer (filled with much crying & anguish), I had a dream.  In the dream I drove down a particular street that I never knew existed and I found my apartment… but I dismissed the dream, simply because I had never seen the street before though I had driven in the area many times.  A week or so later I was driving home from church and I passed the VERY street I saw in my dream! I was shocked! That same night I dreamed about driving down that street again and looking for an apartment… and so I did. I drove down and when I got to the end I saw several apartments for rent, to the right and to the left. I turned right and stopped at a nice building on the hilltop with a ‘For Rent’ sign on the balcony. I called the number and left a message for the landlords and I was shown the apartment THAT day. The minute I walked in I loved it! It was spacious and very nice with a view of the city and gorgeous trees right off my bedroom balcony. I instantly felt peace and I KNEW that this was going to be my new home.

When the landlords told me how much the security deposit & first month’s rent was, I was nervous because it was basically thousands of dollars that I did have yet. Not to mention my monthly rent would TRIPLE in price to what I was currently paying…  However, it was settled in my spirit that this was my new home.  Within 20 days my credit check cleared, and I was offered the apartment.

Money started coming from various sources. Friends and family that I did not expect stepped up to the plate and literally gave me thousands of dollars! 3 days before my scheduled move in, I still did not have everything I needed but God put me on the hearts of people that love me and I had it all down to the last dime. Not only that, my landlords reduced my rent by $50.00 month and took $500 off the down payment money! Talk about a true miracle!

It is now one year later… Though I have had a few snafu’s with finances, and my income is basically the same, I have not struggled to pay my rent. Every time I walk in my door I marvel at God’s goodness… I am so grateful for my home. I have plenty of room to entertain, lots of windows and a peaceful neighborhood to walk in. God truly did exceedingly, abundantly, above all I could ask or think! Today is my Big Miracle Anniversary, though I have experienced many miracles in my lifetime, this one is too grand to keep to myself! Be encouraged, God is still in the miracle working business!

When you have reached a breaking point and can’t seem to go on, know that God is getting ready to do something mighty and wonderful just for you! I am a true witness!

Have you had any special miracles in your life? Miracles that you KNOW only God could have done? Please share!

Enjoy this song by Shirley Ceasar! You are next in line for a miracle!!!

Having a bad day?

Posted in Journey with me..., Musings.... with tags , on September 24, 2008 by Toiah

What do you do on bad days? Days when you are annoyed, angry, or just plain irritated? When my days get like that; I usually go home, eat a nice dinner (or ice cream for dinner), have a glass of wine or, call a good friend… But I find that what works best for me is simply prayer.

Sometimes I write out my prayers to God in a journal or I just talk to Him like He is a Friend, because He is indeed a very real and true Friend. After I have spilled my guts and cried like a baby, I will usually pick up the bible or an inspirational book and God will often give me answer me right then and there to soothe my aching soul… My circumstances don’t necessarily change at that moment, but I do…

My spirit is calm and I am relieved, because I know that God has the answer to every problem I face… It may not come right then, but it does come in time…

My advice to you is: When you are having a bad day, simply pray!

What do you do when you have those ‘not so good’ days??

There is something about FIREMEN…

Posted in Journey with me..., Musings.... with tags , on September 24, 2008 by Toiah

This is a random musing… Thats why this blog is called The Various Musings of a Girl Wonder… LOL!

I just love Firemen. Not all men in uniform, firemen only… All ages, races, creeds and colors. Could it be that they are all so clean cut? Could it be that have a certain swagger like no other men on the planet? Or is it that their life’s work is to save lives and rescue those in need? Whatever it is, I know that I love them… When I see firetrucks (that are not racing to an emergency) I make sure I wave… And they always smile and wave back. (Ah another attractive trait, politeness!) 

 The funny thing is I can spot them without their uniform on. I have seen three firemen; asian, caucasian and black (all yummy) without their uniforms and KNEW they were firemen. When I asked, sure enough, it was true! I just felt like saluting FIREMEN today and saying thank you for making me smile every time I see you…

Anyone else love Firemen (or some other uniformed men) like I do?

Celebrating (REAL) Love…

Posted in Agape, Eros, Phileo... LOVE!, Journey with me..., Musings.... with tags , , , on September 19, 2008 by Toiah

I have four close friends (2 couples) getting married next fall… I have had the pleasure of witnessing their relationships bloom from friendship to forever… Its an amazing journey that is so beautiful to watch. As I go over wedding details with the girls, I am filled with joy for them… I don’t take true love & marriage lightly and I am grateful to have examples such as theirs to witness… Through life’s various challenges and circumstances, these couples have made choice to become one and live in holy matrimony. In fact, for the past few years I have seen many of my loved ones make this life changing choice – and most are STILL happily married (thank God).

When I asked one of the grooms what was most important to him for the wedding, he simply replied “saying I do to her“… That alone made my heart skip a step.

I have an awesome proposal I want to share as well.  I don’t know these people but their proposal is just so beautiful.  Some may have seen this, but watch again. Let it serve as a reminder that LOVE still exists! Robert Gray really went all out to propose to his intended bride, Keisha.  It’s deeply touching, sincere and extremely heartfelt. They were surrounded by loved ones and prayer with a mix of roses, candles, and an abundance of romance! Robert put great attention to detail in everything he did for Keisha… They are set to marry on October 3, 2008.

 Watch it with your sound on and celebrate LOVE!  Robert and Keisha Proposal

Love is real. Love is alive. Love is evident. Love is your birthright. Love is within you, because you are made in God’s image and GOD IS LOVE!! And if you want it, Love will be yours as well! When the time is right and your heart is ready, LOVE will walk in… People often say it comes when you least expect it, but I have to disagree with that sentiment. I am very single, but I expect LOVE to find me daily, and it does! Whether its a phone call from a dear friend, an inspiring email or text, a listening ear, the comfortable silence in good company, an inside joke with a hearty laugh, a delicious meal prepared by my favorite cooks, a prayer given on my behalf, or just a hug from my baby cousin. Love is all around and it is sweet… I know that matrimonial Love will come my way one day, but in the meantime I will celebrate with those who have already found it and have made the choice to cultivate it.

This blog post is dedicated to: Ieesha & Dietric / Kameela & Fred… LOVE YOU!

Can’t get enough Love? Visit this wonderful photographer’s (Ross Oscar Knight) blog that I like to peruse when I need a LOVE PICK ME UP.

God’s eye IS on the Sparrow… AND YOU!

Posted in Journey with me..., Musings.... with tags , on September 18, 2008 by Toiah

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Have you ever heard the song God’s Eye is on the Sparrow? Its a beautiful song about how we don’t have to be discouraged because God’s eye is on the Sparrow and we should know He watches us…  In the bible the Sparrow is mentioned numerous times. So just for kicks, I decided to research the significance of the sparrow, just to see why the bible would use that bird as an example in so many illustrations… In my research, I discovered the sparrow is simply a small, cute, bird that eat seeds and sings sweetly. There is nothing particularly significant about them… which made me realize the point!

The sparrow is just a bird… but the bible indicates that we are worth more than many Sparrows to the Lord.  So if His eye is on the little bitty Sparrow, then you can know without a doubt that HE watches you. He loves you.  He is going to take care of you!

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. – Matthew 10-29-30  (Have you ever seen a dead sparrow? I haven’t. I think God catches those little birds where their life-span is over, and puts them right up in heaven with the angels!)

God’s eye is on the Sparrow and us too. Have faith. Be blessed, and fear not.